The top 5 reasons why your French Accents may disappear from your web page All the French Accents no longer show up on HTML web page, what happened? 1. Using the wrong character set in your meta can prevent French Accents You may have included the wrong charset in your meta, declaring the incorrect content-type. […]
SEO Lie #1
Note: Article originally published by us on LinkedIn in January 2017 You can find it here The Problem with SEO There are good SEO people and some are not so good. The problem is that SEO is misunderstood and open to a thousand definitions. But the reality is that there is only one true […]
5 reasons why Digital Marketing Exists
Using a Digital Marketing Title Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a smart aspiration of unifying all Marketing fields, titles and activities. Have you ever encountered any IMC department in a Company or a University made up of only one person? It has become popular to deny that Digital Marketing exists as a field or Title. […]